Care Simplified

I created this website to support patients and parents in their pursuit of ways to improve daily life.

I also created this website to support my interest in designing beautiful forms and templates. Based on my experience as a mom of a special need, autistic child and of a twice exceptional child, I realize there is not enough simplified resource out there to support parents. Based on my experience as primary care doctor, I recognize the need for patients have more easy-to-use tools for chronic disease monitoring at home.

This website is for you!

  • Parents with special needs children looking for easy to use trackers

  • Parents with twice exceptional (ADHD, Gifted) children who need help organizing and seek challenges

  • Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure looking for better monitoring logs

  • Consumers with various needs for specialized forms and designs

Website in progress... See Etsy to purchase. Plan to release prelim designs for topics listed in October....
Special Needs Forms and Logs

Special Needs Caregiver/Teacher Handout

Autism Goals/Progress Sheet

ADHD Goals/Progress Sheet

Chronic Disease Forms and Logs

Diabetes Logs (Insulin & Non-insulin Users)

High Blood Pressure (HTN) Log

Heart Failure (CHF) Log

Combination Log (HTN, Diabetes, CHF)